E = mc2 - Special and General Relativity (2024)

Main Topics>Special and General Relativity>

Topic Index:

  • - Special and General Relativity Introduction
  • - Speed of Light and the Principle of Relativity
  • - Special Theory of Relativity
  • - Space-Time
  • - E = mc2
  • - Gravity and Acceleration
  • - Curved Space
  • - General Theory of Relativity
  • - Conclusion

As the Sun pumps out energy and light, it actually also loses some of its mass, although very slowly (less than 0.1% since its birth). As a comet’s path passes near to the Sun, a tail of glowing gases billows out away from the Sun. Both of these examples suggest that the energy (photons) leaving the Sun actually weighs something, actually has mass, even if very little. Although photons of sunlight have no intrinsic mass (otherwise, as we will see, they would be unable to travel at the speed of light), they must have an “effective mass” by virtue of their energy in order to be able to push a comet’s tail.

If a body with mass is pushed ever closer to the speed of light, the body would have to become harder and harder to push, so that its speed never actually reached or exceeded the speed of light, which we know to be the de facto maximum speed. In fact, by extension, if a material body were ever to reach the speed of light it would effectively have to have acquired an infinite mass. As a body approaches the speed of light, then, the energy put into pushing the body clearly cannot be used to increase its velocity and must therefore go somewhere else.

(Click for a larger version)
Mass-Energy Venn diagram
(Source: Arachnoid: http://www.arachnoid.com/gravity/

The Law of Conservation of Energy dictates that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. It follows, then, that if the energy pushing the body is being converted into additional mass, then mass itself is just another form of energy, and, vice versa, energy (energy of any sort, not just light, including sound energy, electrical energy, energy of motion, etc) therefore has an effective mass.

This connection between energy and mass, known as mass-energy equivalence, was immortalized in Einstein’s equation E = mc2, where E stands for energy, m stands for mass and c is a constant (which happens to be equal to the speed of light). Actually, E = mc2 is just the simplest case scenario, that for a body or mass at rest. For a body in motion, with a velocity v, the equation becomes E = E = mc2 - Special and General Relativity (1). We have already seen that the Lorentz factor γE = mc2 - Special and General Relativity (2), so we can therefore also say that E = γmoc2 (where mo is the rest mass of the object). As can perhaps be reasonably easily deduced from these equations, as the velocity (v) approaches the speed of light (c), energy (E) approaches infinity, indicating that the body would in fact require an infinite amount of energy to accelerate to the speed of light. We can also see how (as mentioned in a previous section) the mass of a moving object becomes greater and greater as its velocity increases until, at the speed of light, it becomes infinite.

Like other aspects of relativity, though, the effects are very hard to observe in the everyday world. Your cup of coffee actually does weight more when you have added heat energy to it, but by such an infinitesimal amount as not to be noticeable or even measurable. Likewise, when a piece of coal is burned, mass-energy is converted to heat energy, and the total products of burning (ash, gases, etc) would in fact weigh slightly less than the original coal.

To take another example, although four atoms of hydrogen can be used to produce one atom of helium, as occurs during nuclear fusion in the heart of the Sun or in a hydrogen bomb, the atom of helium actually weighs 0.8% less than four hydrogen atoms, the balance being converted into heat energy. This tiny "weight" of heat energy, however, represents about a million times as much energy as an equivalent weight of coal could produce, partly due to the prodigious strength of the strong nuclear force which holds the nucleus of an atom together.

(Click for a larger version)
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Switzerland, uses extremely high energy to create particles of mass
(Source: Berkeley Lab: http://www.lbl.gov/publicinfo/newscenter/

The same principle applies in reverse in particle colliders like that at CERN, the European center for particle physics in Switzerland. In a particle collider, sub-atomic particles are accelerated to huge speeds and then crashed together, in the hope of creating new exotic particles of matter out of the massive energy discharge which results. The prodigious amounts of energy required to cause particles to literally pop out of thin air in this way is an indication of just how much energy is encapsulated within mass.

In fact, mass is the most concentrated form of energy known. When one considers the equation E = mc2, the term c stands for the speed of light (300,000 kilometers per second) and this term is squared, which results in a very large number indeed. Thus, it may come as no surprise that applying the equation to one kilogram of matter shows that it contains 9 x 1016 joules of energy, enough to lift the entire population of the Earth into space!

However, converting matter into energy is not easy. The nuclear processes in the Sun and in a hydrogen bomb liberate barely 1% of the energy locked up in matter. A black hole spinning at its maximum possible rate is much more efficient, though, and as matter swirls into a black hole, it liberates energy (as heat and light) equivalent to 43% of the mass of the matter. This is one reason why scientists believe that the huge energy output of quasars can only be generated by a supermassive black hole at its heart.

In fact, the only process that converts mass into energy with 100% efficiency is the meeting of matter and antimatter. Unfortunately, our universe appears to contain hardly any antimatter (which remains something of a puzzle because, when antimatter is created in the laboratory, its birth is always accompanied by an equal amount of matter), and scientists have only succeeded in producing less than a billionth of a gram. The production of antimatter is fraught with expense and difficulty (especially given that it tends to annihilate as soon as it meets ordinary matter!), but if an efficient method of production could be found one day, we would have at our command the most powerful energy source imaginable (like the antimatter drive of fictional Star Trek).

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E = mc2 - Special and General Relativity (2024)


Is e mc2 special or general relativity? ›

The most famous equation in the world, E=mc2, arrived rather quietly. In 1905, Einstein published two articles on the Special Theory of Relativity. He completed his first paper in June, on the properties of light and time.

Is E equals MC squared debunked? ›

If E is the rest energy and m is the invariant mass, the equation is correct. If E is the energy of a massless “particle,” such as a photon, the equation is incorrect. For all other meanings for E and m the equation is either wrong or is an approximation for low speed objects.

Is e-mc2 correct or wrong? ›

The E=mc^2 is valid equation ,and this can be proven by dimensional analysis. Further more it shows the relationship between energy and speed,thus energy of a system is directly proportional to its mass. Electromagnetic/Light Energy (E) = mass * (speed of light)^2, which is wrong.

Is E mc2 proven or not? ›

Yes. When mass and speed of light squared are multiplied, they give the same unit as that of energy – Joules. Thus, E=mc2 is dimensionally correct.

What is E mc2 for dummies? ›

This is the relationship between mass and energy that says mass is concentrated energy. The mass of something is a measure of the energy it contains. This led to his famous formula E = mc2: the amount of energy released by mass is equivalent to that mass times the speed of light squared.

Is the theory of relativity proven? ›

General relativity has also been confirmed many times, the classic experiments being the perihelion precession of Mercury's orbit, the deflection of light by the Sun, and the gravitational redshift of light. Other tests confirmed the equivalence principle and frame dragging.

Did Einstein actually come up with E mc2? ›

It may be noted that Einstein did not actually formulate exactly the formula E=mc2 in his paper. He even did not use the term E for energy, he used term L instead.

Why is e-mc2 incomplete? ›

It is shown that Einstein's proof for E = mc2 is actually incomplete and therefore is not yet valid. A crucial step is his implicit assumption of treating the light as a bundle of massless particles. However, the energy-stress tensor of massless particles is incompatible with an electromagnetic energy-stress tensor.

Is E mc2 still relevant? ›


E = mc2 is one of the key foundations in modern physics and is central to our understanding of the universe.

Has e-mc2 been disproved? ›

GAITHERSBURG--Albert Einstein was correct in his prediction that E=mc2, according to scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Institute Laue Langevin, Genoble, France (ILL) who conducted the most precise ...

Why is c the speed of light? ›

Speed of light is now universally represented by symbol 'c'. This symbol originated from the initial letter of the Latin word “celerity” meaning “swift” or “quick”. This symbol was used by Weber and Kohlrausch in their papers in 1856. For some years this symbol was regarded as Weber's constant.

What is the correct version of E mc2? ›

E = mc2—In SI units, the energy E is measured in Joules, the mass m is measured in kilograms, and the speed of light is measured in metres per second. An object moves at different speeds in different frames of reference, depending on the motion of the observer.

Is there an experimental proof for e-mc2? ›

There is an immense amount of evidence for E=mc2. For just one famous example, when a uranium-235 nucleus fissions, the fission products (neutrons, and smaller nuclei) have slightly less total mass, by an amount m (in kilograms), than the mass of the original U-235 nucleus.

Who proved E mc2 experimentally? ›

Einstein on E=mc

The mass and energy were in fact equivalent, according to the formula mentioned above. This was demonstrated by co*ckcroft and Walton in 1932, experimentally."

How do you explain e-mc2 to a child? ›

"Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared." On the most basic level, the equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. Under the right conditions, energy can become mass, and vice versa.

Why is Einstein's theory of relativity special? ›

The theory is "special" in that it only applies in the special case where the spacetime is "flat", that is, where the curvature of spacetime (a consequence of the energy–momentum tensor and representing gravity) is negligible. To correctly accommodate gravity, Einstein formulated general relativity in 1915.

What is an example of special relativity? ›

For example, your phone's GPS receiver talks to a group of satellites flying around Earth to pinpoint where you are. For this to work, the satellites need to precisely measure time. But because the satellites are travelling fast, special relativity says time will run a tiny amount slower.

Is mass energy equivalence part of special relativity? ›

Mass–energy equivalence arose from special relativity as a paradox described by the French polymath Henri Poincaré (1854–1912). Einstein was the first to propose the equivalence of mass and energy as a general principle and a consequence of the symmetries of space and time.

Does general relativity include special relativity? ›

Yes, special relativity is a special case of general relativity. General relativity reduces to special relativity, in the special case of a flat spacetime.


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