H-10 PRO LEAK DETECTOR - 25301 (2024)

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MARS\u00AE H-10 Pro Leak Detector<\/p>

  • Great for identifying halogen-based refrigerant leaks in both residential and commercial applications<\/li>
  • Senses all CFC, HFC and HCFC refrigerants, including but not limited to: R-12, R-22, R-134a, R-404A, R-410A, R-502, R-507, HFO-1233zd, HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze<\/li>
  • Selectable sensitivity to pinpoint small, medium or large leaks<\/li>
  • Sensitivity as low as 0.006 oz\/yr<\/li>
  • Headphone port allows for headset use in noisy environments<\/li>
  • Unique visual sensor calibration system<\/li>
  • Manual or automatic zero modes<\/li>
  • Includes both wall adapter and battery power options for greater convenience and portability<\/li>
  • Made in USA<\/li>
  • CE approval<\/li><\/dir><\/ul>

Sensor TypePositive Ion Emission Heated DiodeTypeLeak DetectorAlarmVisible LED at probe tip and audible buzzerResponse Time1 secondPower Supply12 VDC rechargeable battery; 100-240 VAC wall adapProbe Length4.5ft (1.37m)Sensitivity0.006 oz/yr (stationary); 0.1 oz/yr (moving probeOperating Temperature32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)

Item #: 25301

H-10 PRO LEAK DETECTOR - 25301 (1)

MARS® H-10 Pro Leak Detector

  • Great for identifying halogen-based refrigerant leaks in both residential and commercial applications
  • Senses all CFC, HFC and HCFC refrigerants, including but not limited to: R-12, R-22, R-134a, R-404A, R-410A, R-502, R-507, HFO-1233zd, HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze
  • Selectable sensitivity to pinpoint small, medium or large leaks
  • Sensitivity as low as 0.006 oz/yr
  • Headphone port allows for headset use in noisy environments
  • Unique visual sensor calibration system
  • Manual or automatic zero modes
  • Includes both wall adapter and battery power options for greater convenience and portability
  • Made in USA
  • CE approval


Sensor Type

Positive Ion Emission Heated Diode


Leak Detector


Visible LED at probe tip and audible buzzer

Response Time

1 second

Power Supply

12 VDC rechargeable battery; 100-240 VAC wall adap

Probe Length

4.5ft (1.37m)


0.006 oz/yr (stationary); 0.1 oz/yr (moving probe

Operating Temperature

32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)

  • Catalog Page
  • Hi-Res Image
  • Sales Sheet
H-10 PRO LEAK DETECTOR  - 25301 (2024)


How accurate are refrigerant leak detectors? ›

Electronic Leak Detectors — Currently, this is the most popular method in use. It works with all refrigerants and is very accurate or very inaccurate, depending on the sensor condition.

Is leak detection worth it? ›

Prevent Property Damage

Leaks hidden in walls, floors, or ceilings can weaken the structure of your property. This can lead to expensive repairs or, in extreme cases, require extensive renovations. By investing in a leak detection tool, you can proactively identify leaks before they cause significant damage.

How sensitive should your leak detector be? ›

Depending on the specification, leaks rates below 10-6 mbar l/s are frequently required. Helium leak checkers with an ultimate sensitivity of 10-12 mbar l/s offer the most accurate solution.

How do you read a leak detector? ›

Steps to Check for Leaks

Near or at the center of the meter display is a colored triangle or asterisk. This triangle or asterisk is sensitive to water flowing through the meter and can be used to detect leaks. Turn off all water-using fixtures (clothes washer, irrigation system, etc.)

What is the acceptable refrigerant leak rate? ›

Appliance Repairs

Owners/operators must identify and repair leaks that exceed 30% for IPR, 20% for commercial refrigeration, and 10% for comfort cooling and other appliances within 30 days of when the ozone- depleting refrigerant is added.

How long does a refrigerant leak detector last? ›

As for replacement, a refrigerant leak detector typically has a lifespan of around five to ten years.

What are the disadvantages of leak detection? ›

Detection cable system

One time usable, if the cable detects a leak or comes into contact with spilt oil, it becomes inoperable and must be changed before the system can detect a second leak. Expensive maintenance, each time oil comes into contact with the cable, it needs to be changed.

Where is the best place to put a leak detector? ›

Anywhere you have concerns about a potential leak, so under sinks, behind toilets, next to washers, humidifiers, water heaters, and other water tanks. If you have a problem area where you have had a leak before or an aging appliance you are worried about, those are good spots to place water leak detectors.

What is the most reliable leak detection method and why? ›

Ultrasound testing is the most accurate method, utilizing high-frequency sound waves to identify cracks and other flaws in pipes. Infrared thermography uses infrared sensors to detect temperature differences that may indicate a leak.

Where should you place a leak detector? ›

Place a leak detection system at the point where the water enters your home via the plumbing. This means that all water-using appliances are downstream of the point of entry, letting the device pick up malfunctions early.

How accurate is a leak detector? ›

Leak detections are perfect for tracing leaks' location at home or in the office. With an accuracy rate of 90%, leak detection techniques are reliable.

What is the minimum detectable leak rate? ›

Analysing the mass of the residual gas is the most sensitive and widespread method in locating leaks. Using an optimized mass spectrometer and helium as tracer gas, leak rates down to 10–12 mbar l/s can be detected.

How do you use leak detector fluid? ›

Open the flip top cap and squeeze the gas detection solution onto the leak area in question and watch for new bubbles to form. Mark the leak and wipe dry for repair. All-season formula has a broad temperature range: -30°F to 158°F (-34°C to 70°C) making it the perfect solution for detecting leaks in any environment.


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Views: 6239

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.