yEd Graph Editor - Features (2024)

yEd Graph Editor - Features (1)

yEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. It runs on all Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS versions. If you want to know more about all our diagram editorscheck out the yWorks diagram editors overview.



Diagram Creation

yEd makes diagram creation easy and fun with its powerful features and intuitive user interface.

Ready-to-use Diagram Elements

yEd comes with an extensive palette of beautiful, ready-to-use elements to get you started with your first diagrams, including:

  • a wide variety of shape nodes and edge types
  • group nodes that expand, collapse, and nest to tame large data sets
  • UML elements for class and object diagrams
  • swimlanes and table nodes to which other elements can be added or nested
  • BPMN symbols for business process diagrams
  • Entity Relationship symbols and crow's foot connections
  • flowchart symbols
  • people and computer network symbols

You can also easily import your own bitmaps (JPG, PNG), vector graphics (SVG), or shape stencils from Visio® VSX files into the palette to create custom element types.

Clearly Displayed Data

yEd also helps you annotate and position elements for maximum clarity:

  • clearly label elements with icons, multi-line text, HTML, or even multiple labels
  • automatic label positioning ensures labels are clearly readable
  • elements can show tooltips on hover and open URLs on click
  • neatly align elements using snap lines and orthogonal connections
  • use the properties mapper to turn an element's user-defined data into visual elements
  • use organic edge routing or orthogonal edge routing to re-route connections
  • let automatic layout algorithms do the heavy lifting for you

Intuitive User Interface

Editing diagrams in yEd feels intuitive and comfortable thanks to:

  • powerful search and selection tools
  • mouse wheel zoom
  • clipboard operations
  • extensive undo
  • the ability to work with multiple diagrams simultaneously
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • dockable panels that you can arrange to meet your needs
  • print preview, handy for poster printing
  • English and German localization
  • configurable and persistent settings
  • integrated help

Automatic Layout

yEd provides powerful functionality for the layout of complex data sets. Its highly sophisticated mathematical layout algorithms can be used either to automatically arrange diagram elements, or to support you when undertaking a manual layout.

yEd Graph Editor - Features (3)

  • Hierarchical Layout perfectly visualizes hierarchical or pseudo-hierarchical scenarios
  • Orthogonal Layout produces clear representations of complex networks
  • UML-style Orthogonal Layout offers special support for arranging UML class diagrams
  • Organic Layout clearly represents complex ER diagrams, UML diagrams, and more.
    Layout can be restricted to fit a given shape (e.g. rectangle, circle, ellipse) or aspect ratio.
  • Circular Layout perfectly portrays interconnected ring and star topologies
  • Tree Layout clearly visualizes tree-like structures in many different ways
  • Radial Layout arranges the elements in concentrical fashion and emphasizes tree-like structures in diagrams
  • domain-specific layout algorithms automatically arrange the elements in swimlane and flowchart diagrams

Easy Data Import

Import from any of the following formats:

  • GraphML, an XML format which supports arbitrary, user-defined element properties
  • Excel® XLS spreadsheets, which can be easily imported using our wizard for comfortably specifying matrix and list-like annotated diagram data. Custom properties can be imported, too.
  • GEDCOM, which contains genealogical information
  • GML, a popular text-based diagram file format
  • arbitrary XML run through an XSLT stylesheet that transforms the input into valid GraphML. Predefined stylesheets for Ant build scripts, the OWL Web Ontology Language, and others are included.

Impressive Output

Once you've created a stunning diagram with yEd, it's easy to save it to GraphML and to export it for use in print or on the web.

Multiple File Formats

yEd can export diagrams to a range of graphics formats including:

  • Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • Adobe® Flash® (SWF)
  • SVG vector graphics, which support embedded URLs and descriptive tooltips
  • Enhanced Windows Meta File (EMF), a vector format supported by almost all Windows applications
  • JPG, GIF, BMP, and PNG bitmaps. Large diagrams can be exported as multiple images.
  • HTML image maps with support for embedded URLs and descriptive tooltips.
  • Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)


To view more examples of yEd output, visit the yEd Gallery of User-created Diagrams.

Technical Details

yEd is a pure Java Swing application. It runs on all Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS versions where a suitable Java Runtime Environment is available.

yEd is based on the yFiles for Java diagramming library, which provides not only the automatic layout algorithms and analysis tools, but also the intuitive user interface that makes creating and editing diagrams so easy.

For its look and feel, yEd makes use of UI components from JIDE Software.

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yEd Graph Editor - Features (16)

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yEd Graph Editor - Features (2024)


YEd Graph Editor - Features? ›

yEd is freely available and runs on all major platforms: Windows, Unix/Linux, and macOS.

Is the yEd graph editor free? ›

yEd is freely available and runs on all major platforms: Windows, Unix/Linux, and macOS.

How do you add text to a yEd graph? ›

1 Answer. Right-click the edge (i.e. what you call "arrow line") to open its context menu and choose "Add Label". Alternatively, left-click the edge to select it, then press F2.

What is yEd live? ›

yEd Live is the browser version of the powerful yEd desktop application. No more installer is needed to quickly and effectively create high-quality diagrams.

Is yEd free for commercial use? ›

The usage of yEd is free of charge and one can even make use of yEd in a commercial environment for free. yWorks grants you the right to use yEd as an application to create diagrams. This right comes for free for anyone that adheres to the yEd Software License Agreement.

What does yEd stand for? ›

Income elasticity of demand (YED) measures how responsive demand is to a change in income and hence, is another useful tool for making marketing decisions.

How to draw arrows in yEd? ›

1 Answer
  1. Create an edge between the two corresponding nodes (see Creating an Edge in the yEd Manual).
  2. Select the new edge by clicking on it.
  3. Set "Source Arrow" and "Target Arrow" to the desired arrow shape in the properties table in yEd's lower right corner.
May 15, 2019

How to wrap text in yEd? ›

Wrapping text

To make a node wrap text inside it, select the node, and under its Label properties in the Properties pane, set “Label Size” to “Fit Node Width” and set “Configuration” to “Cropping.”

How to work out yEd? ›

Income elasticity of demand is an economic measure of how responsive the quantity demanded for a good or service is to a change in income. The formula for calculating income elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income.

How do you add alternative text to a graph? ›

Add alt text to a chart
  1. Select the entire chart.
  2. Do one of the following: Select Format > Alt Text. Right-click the chart, and select Edit Alt Text.
  3. In the Alt Text pane, enter alt text describing the chart.

What affects yed? ›

Some factors that influence YED include the availability of substitute goods, the necessity of the good or service, and the proportion of income spent on the good or service.

How do you show text on a graph? ›

Insert a text box on a chart
  1. Click the chart to which you want to add a text box.
  2. On the Format tab, click Insert Shapes, and then click the Text Box icon .
  3. In the chart, click where you want to start a corner of the text box, and then drag until the text box is the size that you want.

What is yFiles? ›

yFiles is a powerful programming library for visualizing any kind of diagram, graph, or network. Using yFiles you can display data from many diverse data sources., and easily enable interactive creation, viewing, and editing of graphs.

How to install yEd graph editor in Linux Mint? ›

2 Answers
  1. Find the yEd Graph Editor section on the yworks download page.
  2. Download the appropriate Linux yEd installer for your system (32- or 64-bit)
  3. Make the installer executable with chmod +x yEd<...>. ...
  4. Run the installer and follow the outlined steps.
  5. When you're done you should be able to find yEd in your Unity Dash.
Jul 29, 2014

What is income in demand? ›

Income demand is the functional demand for a commodity and level of income, it shows how much quantity of a commodity a consumer will buy at different levels of income.

Is dia diagram editor free? ›

Dia (/ˈdiːə/) is free and open source general-purpose diagramming software, developed originally by Alexander Larsson.

How do I access graph editor? ›

A graphical representation of interpolation between animation keys that you can modify. To open the Graph Editor: From the main menu bar, select Windows > Animation Editors > Graph Editor.

How do I open graph editor AE? ›

When you go toward the top of the timeline panel, you'll notice an icon looking like a graph, right next to the motion blur; simply click on this button. Press Shift + F3. The Graph Editor is selected once it turns blue.


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.